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La Crosse Colour Weather Station with Barometric Pressure - WS6205
Indoor and outdoor temperature
Indoor and outdoor humidity
Barometric pressure
Trend indicator
Weather forecast
Indoor and outdoor min/max record
Alarm with snooze
Weekday display
Time format 12 or 24 hour
Table standing
Frequency 433MHz
Hour & Date
- Format 12 or 24 hour
- Calendar
- Alarm with snooze
- Weekday display in 15 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Finnish, Czech, Hungarian, and Russian
Indoor Temperature
- Unit: Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Range: -9.9C to 50C
- Arrow with trend indicator
- Min/max record
Outdoor Temperature
- Unit: Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Range: -40C to 70C
- Arrow with trend indicator
- Alerts
- Min/max record
- Display on outdoor sensor
Indoor Humidity
- Unit: RH%
- Range: 20% RH to 95% RH
- Min/max record
Outdoor Humidity
- Unit: RH%
- Range: 20% RH to 95% RH
- Min/max record
- Display on outdoor sensor
Barometric Pressure
- Unit: hPa/mb or inHg
- Range: 600 hPa/mb to 1100 hPa/mb
- Frequency: 433MHz
- Transmission: Up to 60m in open area (unobstructed)
- AC adapter (included)
- Base batteries: 2 x AA (not included)
- Sensor batteries: 2 x AAA (not included)
- Weather forecast
- Colour LCD screen
- Table standing
- Base dimensions 145 x 48 x 85 mm
- Sensor dimensions: 97 x 50 x 32 mm
Based in Alsace, La Crosse Technology is a multinational company founded in 1991. Our electronic products, fruits of long search works, included radio controlled clocks, weather stations and weather centers, and others measuring instruments. We were the first one to produce radio controlled clocks, the first one to produce wireless transmission thermometers, and the first one to launch weather stations with a 5 days weather forecast. We continue to be amongst the forefront of evolution in our field.
La Crosse Technology includes also a performant sale and logistical and logistical department. Our philosophy: the service to our customers to the highest level. Our after sales service is simple, reactive and efficient